"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there. "
- Rumi

About Simran Meditation & Navid Zargham

Simran Meditation is a set of exercises that are designed to facilitate an experiential recognition of the highest truth, also known as non-duality.
The exercises are simple, straight forward and require no previous knowledge, experiences or any kind of belief-system.
And yet, one single session have the potency to fundamentally transform ones perspective on and experience of existence.
The founder of Simran Meditation, Navid Zargham, have been guiding people through these methods since 2014.
He currently hosts both private and group sessions, retreats and Live's both online and IRL.
Private Sessions
For private groups, workshops and other type of sessions - send us an email.
Private Session
70 minutes | 145€
Navid guides you 1on1 towards the discovery, exploration and embodiment of your essence. Each sessions is intuitive, unique and will support the participant towards the next step, wherever they currently are in their process.
Discounts/ exchanges are available for those in need of it.

Events & Retreats
- Sat, Mar 22Överjärna
- Fri, Apr 04Tomelilla
- Thu, May 01Narumi Retreat Center
- Fri, May 16Narumi Retreat Center
- Fri, May 23Narumi Retreat Center
- Thu, Jun 12Örbyhus
- Thu, Aug 28Narumi Retreat Center
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